Published March 17, 2019 | Version v1
Working paper Open

Vienna Working Papers in Canadian Studies Vol. 2 (2019) Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: Canada in the 21st Century/Construire des ponts, Franchir les obstacles: Le Canada au 21ème siècle

  • 1. FU Berlin
  • 2. University of Siegen
  • 3. University of Vienna
  • 4. Université de Fribourg
  • 5. University of Konstanz


The 13th Annual Conference of the Young Scholars’ Forum of the Association for Canadian Studies in German Speaking Countries, entitled “Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: Canada in the 21st Century,” took place at the University of Vienna June 24-26, 2016. This interdisciplinary and bilingual event sought to reflect on Canada’s ongoing status as a space of encounters and multiculturalism, but also of separatism and (neo)colonial policies. The organizing team aimed at exploring and discussing Canada’s cross-cultural and transnational dimensions; the realities of its histories, geographies, cultures and politics, and, above all, its people and identities that have shaped and transformed it into its current state as a multicultural dominion a mari usque ad mare (“from sea to sea”). For these purposes, the conference brought together 19 postgraduate speakers from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, and the Czech Republic, whose unique backgrounds and presentations spoke to the diversity of the conference theme and the multitude of perspectives that make up Canadian Studies within and beyond Canada.


Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers-Vienna Working Papers in Canadian Studies Vol. 2.pdf