FIGURE 3 in A new glass sponge genus (Hexactinellida: Euplectellidae) from abyssal depth of the Yap Trench, northwestern Pacific Ocean
FIGURE 3. Rhizophyta yapensis gen. et sp. nov. Spicules of holotype (SEM). A. Four types of pinular dermal hexactins. B. Four types of pinular atrial hexactins, whole and enlarged ray end. C. Pinular dermal hexactin from the transition of main body and peduncle. D. Two types of atrial pentactins, similar to dermal pentactins of the main body. E. Atrial pentactin with longer proximal ray. F. Dermal pentactin from the transition of main body and peduncle, whole and enlarged proximal ray end. G. Discohexaster and enlarged secondary ray end. H. Three types of choanosomal hexactins, whole and enlarged ray end. I. Two types of choanosomal diactins, whole and enlarged tip and center. J. Dermal pentactin of the peduncle, whole and enlargements of ray ends and coarsely spined central area.
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