Published October 1, 2017 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Hold Your Breath, PRIMATEs Are Lightweight

  • 1. KU Leuven
  • 2. Technical University of Denmark
  • 3. Nanyang Technological University


This work provides the first hardware implementations of PRIMATEs family of authenticated encryption algorithms. PRIMATEs are designed to be lightweight in hardware, hence we focus on designs for constrained devices. We provide several serial implementations, smallest of which requires only 1.2 kGE. Additionally, we present a variety of threshold implementations that range from 4.7 kGE to 10.3 kGE. The second part of this work presents a design of a lightweight PRIMATEs coprocessor. It is designed to conform versatile use of the core permutation, which allows implementation of the entire PRIMATEs family, with small differences in hardware. We implement HANUMAN-80 coprocessor, adapted for a 16-bit microcontroller from the Texas Instruments MSP430 family of microcontrollers. The entire HANUMAN-80 coprocessor is tested on a Spartan-6 (XC6SLX45) development board, where it occupies 72 slices (1.06% of available resources). ASIC synthesis yields a 2 kGE implementation using 90 nm library, achieves 33 kbits/sec throughput at 100 kHz operating frequency. It dissipates 0.53 \(\upmu \)W of power on average, resulting in energy consumption of 15.60 pJ/bit.



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European Commission
ECRYPT-NET – European Integrated Research Training Network on Advanced Cryptographic Technologies for the Internet of Things and the Cloud 643161