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Published March 14, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Neutrosophic Project Evaluation and Review Techniques

  • 1. Department of Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India


One of the most important and challenging jobs that any manager can take in the management of a large
scale project that requires coordinating numerous activities throughout the organization. Initially, the activity times
are static within the CPM technique and probabilistic within the PERT technique. Since neutrosophic set is the
generalization of fuzzy set and intuitionistic fuzzy set, a new method of project evaluation and review technique for a
project network in neutrosophic environment is proposed in this paper. Considering single valued neutrosophic
number as the time of each activity in the project network, neutrosophic expected task time, neutrosophic variance,
neutrosophic critical path and the neutrosophic total expected time for completing the project network are calculated
here. The main concept of Neutrosophic Project Evaluation and Review Technique(NPERT) method is to solve the
ambiguities in the activity times of a project network easily than other existing methods like classical PERT, Fuzzy
PERT etc.The proposed method is explained by an illustrative example and the results are discussed here.



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