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Published December 15, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Penerapan Metode Role Playing dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Anak dan Kecerdasan Sosialnya



This research is based on the problem of the still low social and
speaking skills of children, and in general the problem of this research is
"How to improve children's social and speaking skills through the
application of role playing methods in the MA Assyafiiyah NW
Penangsak?" the following: (1) What are the conditions of social skills and
speaking skills of children before they are applied to the role playing
method or role playing at the MA Assyafiiyah NW Penangsak? (2) What is
the process of applying role playing methods in improving children's social
skills and speaking skills at MA Assyafiiyah NW Penangsak? (3) To what
extent is the improvement of social skills and speaking skills of MA
Assyafiiyah NW Penangsak children after role playing or role playing
methods are applied? and (4) What obstacles did the teacher experience in
applying the role playing method or role playing? The goal to be achieved
is to get an idea of improving social skills and speaking skills of children at
MA Assyafiiyah NW Penangsak through the application of role playing
methods. The research method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR)
to improve the learning process of social skills and children's speaking
skills through the application of role playing methods. PTK was
conducted in three cycles, with the subject of children B group MA
Assyafiiyah NW Penangsak, amounting to 10 children. From the results of
the implementation and observations made, there was a significant
increase, especially in cycle two. It is recommended for teachers so that
social skills and speaking skills are further developed, both in learning,
implementation and evaluation of learning. For further researchers, it is
expected to be able to make research on social skills and speaking children
through other methods.



Penerapan Metode Role Playing dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan.pdf

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