Published February 20, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Dissemination, Exploitaion and Standardization activities (D6.3)

  • 1. Nextworks


Dissemination, standardization and exploitation activities are essential for the success of any 5G PPP project and they are key success factors for 5GCity in particular: in fact, the specific nature of the research carried out in it (optimized edge/core virtualization; orchestration, SDK and dashboard) applied to three live city trials (Barcelona – ES, Bristol – UK and Lucca - IT) makes the project unique and critical to prepare the next stage of 5G roll-out in Europe.
5GCity is developing an architecture for the 5G-ready city in which network SDN/NFV solutions, multi-access edge computing (MEC), and optimized lightweight virtualization platforms (e.g. based on unikernels) are all integrated to manage and orchestrate a distributed 5G cloud and radio platform. Apart from the usual telecommunication providers, the 5GCity solution has key stakeholders in the municipalities and in the broadcasting verticals. Municipalities quite often own and manage the best urban spaces to host 5G Small Cells and are undergoing a digital transformation towards becoming Smart Cities, in which various value-added services, powered by 5G technologies, can be designed for the benefit of the end customers, i.e., the citizens. Broadcasters are the primary group of Verticals who can run advanced 5G-based services in the Smart Cities.
The strategy we have applied to execute various dissemination and communication activities in this Year 1 has primarily focused on the promotion of project concepts and objectives in various forums, international events and social channels, in order to attract the identified target audience from the scientific and industrial sectors in scope with our use cases and raise awareness on 5GCity ideas and planned results. The standardization and exploitation activities of this Year 1 have been preliminary, being mostly aimed at establishing our position in the various working groups and market sectors in order to prepare a subsequent phase of promotion and reuse of 5GCity results in the next period, i.e. once the development and integration will be completed and solutions tested in city trials.


D6.3 Dissemination, Exploitation, and Standardization Activities M12 v1.1-CLEAN.pdf

Additional details


5GCITY – 5GCITY 761508
European Commission