Published February 13, 2019 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

Bridging constructions in typological perspective

  • 1. James Cook University


In this chapter, we undertake a cross-linguistic examination of bridging construc-
tions, which we define as the sequence of two clauses: the first clause (called the ref-
erence clause) ends a discourse unit, the second clause (called the bridging clause)
typically repeats the first clause at the beginning of a new discourse unit. Based
on published language data and data from the volume, we identify three differ-
ent types of constructions subsumed under the label bridging construction (§2 and
§3): recapitulative linkage, summary linkage, and mixed linkage. They differ in the
form that the bridging clause takes on: broadly speaking, verbatim lexical recapit-
ulation of the reference clause; a light verb summarizing the reference clause; or a
mix of these two strategies. Because bridging constructions lie at the interface of
discourse and syntax, we dedicate §4 to explaining their discourse functions. Amid
the cross-linguistic variation, we found two recurrent discourse functions: empha-
sizing sequentiality and cohesively structuring discourse. Finally, we establish a
list of questions to guide the documentation of these linguistic patterns.




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