Published December 1, 2018 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

Igény és fogyasztás: a nagyszebeniek és a "török marha" a 16. században

  • 1. New Europe College, Nicolae Iorga Institute of History, Bucharest


Demand and consumption: the inhabitants of Sibiu and the Turkish products in the sixteenth century

The paper discusses the attitudes of the inhabitants of the town of Sibiu  (in Transylvania) toward the goods brought into town from the Ottoman Empire. Throughout the sixteenth century, normative documents show a concern for the democratic sale of these goods that were collected at the customs. Furthermore, records from the customs accounts from the middle of the sixteenth century reveal how the sale of the collected oriental products took place, showing the local elite as the main customers. The private records of Georg Dollert, notary in Sibiu at the end of the sixteenth century, give us the first documents on retailing in Transylvania.


Pakucs-Willcocks Mária_Igeny es fogyasztas.pdf

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LuxFaSS – Luxury, fashion and social status in Early Modern South Eastern Europe 646489
European Commission