Published February 10, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. M.Phil Research Scholar, Department of Corporate Secretaryship, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
  • 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Corporate Secretaryship, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu


In India CSR is mandatory for certain companies* under the companies act 2013. India is a first country for making CSR as mandatory. This article is about Corporate Social Responsibility and CSR as an organizational tool, the successful implementation of which can be used to gain brand loyalty. The benefits of CSR to the society at large can be well understood through this article. The key objective being consumer attitudes towards the CSR programs of companies and its impact on the brand image and loyalty. Though many are unaware of the term CSR, every human being out there would want a company or corporation to be socially responsible. Because any wealth created both monetary and non monetary by business organization are only by procuring and utilizing the resources available in the society and any such resource utilization leads to its scarcity in the near future. Thus it is implied that any business organizations must take a more proactive approach towards societal and environmental issues to the extent possible based on their financial capabilities. As J.R.D. Tata has beautifully quoted “We generate wealth for the people, what comes from the people must to the extent possible, therefore get back to the people”. 



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