There is a newer version of the record available.

Published February 1, 2019 | Version 1.3
Software Open

nf-core/methylseq: nf-core/methylseq version 1.3

  • 1. Science for Life Laboratory
  • 2. @qbicsoftware
  • 3. @Gregor-Mendel-Institute
  • 4. QBiC @qbicsoftware
  • 5. Comparative Bioinformatics, CRG
  • 6. @SciLifeLab | Karolinska Institutet
  • 7. Genome Institute of Singapore


A fairly quick release on the heels of 1.2 to fix a nasty bug introduced that prevented the pipeline from running on more than one file. Whilst we're here we added in a new tool: preseq.

New features
  • Added preseq analysis to calculate sample complexity.
    • This new step can help decide sufficient sequencing depth has been reached.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed new bug that meant pipeline only worked with one sample at a time #66
    • Introduced in previous release. TrimGalore onwards would only process one sample.



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