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There is a newer version of the record available.

Published January 25, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Impacts of Global Warming, Sea Level Rise and Coastline Management on Storm Surge in a Semi-enclosed Bay

  • 1. Horn Point Lab, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science


wrf_results.rar has 13 netcdf files, including one hindcast simulation and 12 future scenario simulations. WRF results from all 3 domains have been interpolated onto FVCOM grids. 

fvcom_output_3d.rar contains 29 netcdf files, including one hindcast simulation, 12 soft shoreline scenario simulation, 12 hard shoreline simulation, and 4 idealized simulations with SST increase or sea level rise only. 

The corresponding scenario of each netcdf file is denoted by its name.



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