Published November 30, 2004 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Anther smuts of Caryophyllaceae. Taxonomy, nomenclature, problems in species delimitation


After a short historical review, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Microbotryum in general, and those of the anther smuts of Caryophyllaceae in special, are presented. Problems in species delimitation of these smut fungi are discussed, which is still not solved satisfactorily. Until a better classification of the anther smuts of Caryophyllaceae will be elaborated, the use of the name of M. violaceum s. lat. is proposed for M. dianthorum, M. lychnidis-dioicae, M. silenes-inflatae, Ustilago coronariae, U. silenes-nutantis, and U. superba.



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