Published January 21, 2019 | Version v1
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Surviving sluicing

  • 1. University of Nova Gorica


In this paper, we discuss examples of sluicing in Slovenian in which, in addition to a
wh-phrase (or wh-phrases in instances of multiple sluicing) discourse particles ap-
pear. This is unexpected given Merchant’s (2001) Sluicing-COMP generalization, as
already observed in Marušič et al. (2015), even though there are several languages
in which similar cases exist, e.g. German. In this paper we focus on discourse par-
ticles pa and že in (multiple) wh-questions and sluicing. These examples are not
only important for our understanding of sluicing but are also crucial for analyzing
discourse particles in Slovenian. Based on examples with sluicing and discourse
particles in Slovenian, we argue against positioning these particles within the wh-
phrase, clitic cluster or the IP.




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