Published January 18, 2019 | Version v1
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In urbocenoses of Kharkiv, 55 species of ground beetles from 20 genera were identified.

By number of species, genera Harpalus (13 species, 24%) and Amara (7 species, 12%) dominated. Calаthus, Pterostichus and Notiophilus genera were represented each by 4 species (7.3% of species composition of the family). Other genera were represented by 1–2 species. Poor species composition of ground beetles (11–13 species) was characteristic for territories with severe recreational load (most of the parks, stands of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University), whereas number of species was greater (19–29 species) in territories with a low anthropogenic load (Forest park, botanical monument "Institutsky"). In some parks Carabus nemoralis (over 42–58%), Pterostichus melanarius (over 27%) and Poecilus versicolor (19% of the whole carabidofauna) were eudominants. Harpalus tardus, Amara similata, H. xanthopus winkleri, Badister bullatus were usual species (3–10% of the whole carabidofauna). In other stands, Amara bifrons, Anchonemus dorsalis, Asaphidion flavipes, Calathus еrratus,C. ambiguus, Harpalus smaragdinus, H. amplicollis H. rufipes, H. griseus and Licinus cassideus dominated. Faunal similarity was rather low and made up 0.28–0.36 for territories with tree vegetation (Forest park, «Carpovsky sad» and other parks). Faunal similarity for stands of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University and botanical monument "Institutsky" compared with parks was only 0.04–0.17.

Polytopic species prevailed (34%) in all of the urbocenoses. In park stands, considerable proportion of ground beetles was represented by forest species, in stands of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University and Research Institute – by meadow and meadow-steppe species (14.5–20.0% of species composition). The vast majority of species (about 90%) are mesophilic. By trophic specialization zoophages dominated (45–80%), zoophytophages and phytozoophages were less represented (5–28% of species composition). Phytophages were rare (less than 2%).



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