Reproducibility in Practice: Dataset of a Large-Scale Study of Jupyter Notebooks
The self-documenting aspects and the ability to reproduce results have been touted as significant benefits of Jupyter Notebooks. At the same time, there has been growing criticism that the way notebooks are being used leads to unexpected behavior, encourage poor coding practices and that their results can be hard to reproduce. To understand good and bad practices used in the development of real notebooks, we analyzed 1.4 million notebooks from GitHub.
This repository contains two files:
- dump.tar.bz2
- jupyter_reproducibility.tar.bz2
The dump.tar.bz2 file contains a PostgreSQL dump of the database, with all the data we extracted from the notebooks.
The jupyter_reproducibility.tar.bz2 file contains all the scripts we used to query and download Jupyter Notebooks, extract data from them, and analyze the data. It is organized as follows:
- analyses: this folder has all the notebooks we use to analyze the data in the PostgreSQL database.
- archaeology: this folder has all the scripts we use to query, download, and extract data from GitHub notebooks.
- paper: empty. The notebook analyses/N11.To.Paper.ipynb moves data to it
In the remaining of this text, we give instructions for reproducing the analyses, by using the data provided in the dump and reproducing the collection, by collecting data from GitHub again.
Reproducing the Analysis
This section shows how to load the data in the database and run the analyses notebooks. In the analysis, we used the following environment:
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
PostgreSQL 10.6
Conda 4.5.1
Python 3.6.8
PdfCrop 2012/11/02 v1.38
First, download dump.tar.bz2 and extract it:
tar -xjf dump.tar.bz2
It extracts the file db2019-01-13.dump. Create a database in PostgreSQL (we call it "jupyter"), and use psql to restore the dump:
psql jupyter < db2019-01-13.dump
It populates the database with the dump. Now, configure the connection string for sqlalchemy by setting the environment variable JUP_DB_CONNECTTION:
export JUP_DB_CONNECTION="postgresql://user:password@hostname/jupyter";
Download and extract jupyter_reproducibility.tar.bz2:
tar -xjf jupyter_reproducibility.tar.bz2
Create a conda environment with Python 3.6:
conda create -n py36 python=3.6
Go to the analyses folder and install all the dependencies of the requirements.txt
cd jupyter_reproducibility/analyses
pip install -r requirements.txt
For reproducing the analyses, run jupyter on this folder:
jupyter notebook
Execute the notebooks on this order:
- N0.Index.ipynb
- N1.Repository.ipynb
- N2.Notebook.ipynb
- N3.Cell.ipynb
- N4.Features.ipynb
- N5.Modules.ipynb
- N6.AST.ipynb
- N7.Name.ipynb
- N8.Execution.ipynb
- N9.Cell.Execution.Order.ipynb
- N10.Markdown.ipynb
- N11.To.Paper.ipynb
Reproducing or Expanding the Collection
The collection demands more steps to reproduce and takes much longer to run (months). It also involves running arbitrary code on your machine. Proceed with caution.
This time, we have extra requirements:
All the analysis requirements
lbzip2 2.5
gcc 7.3.0
Github account
Gmail account
First, set the following environment variables:
export JUP_MACHINE="db"; # machine identifier
export JUP_BASE_DIR="/mnt/jupyter/github"; # place to store the repositories
export JUP_LOGS_DIR="/home/jupyter/logs"; # log files
export JUP_COMPRESSION="lbzip2"; # compression program
export JUP_VERBOSE="5"; # verbose level
export JUP_DB_CONNECTION="postgresql://user:password@hostname/jupyter"; # sqlchemy connection
export JUP_GITHUB_USERNAME="github_username"; # your github username
export JUP_GITHUB_PASSWORD="github_password"; # your github password
export JUP_MAX_SIZE="8000.0"; # maximum size of the repositories directory (in GB)
export JUP_FIRST_DATE="2013-01-01"; # initial date to query github
export JUP_EMAIL_LOGIN=""; # your gmail address
export JUP_EMAIL_TO=""; # email that receives notifications
export JUP_OAUTH_FILE="~/oauth2_creds.json" # oauth2 auhentication file
export JUP_NOTEBOOK_INTERVAL=""; # notebook id interval for this machine. Leave it in blank
export JUP_REPOSITORY_INTERVAL=""; # repository id interval for this machine. Leave it in blank
export JUP_WITH_EXECUTION="1"; # run execute python notebooks
export JUP_WITH_DEPENDENCY="0"; # run notebooks with and without declared dependnecies
export JUP_EXECUTION_MODE="-1"; # run following the execution order
export JUP_EXECUTION_DIR="/home/jupyter/execution"; # temporary directory for running notebooks
export JUP_ANACONDA_PATH="~/anaconda3"; # conda installation path
export JUP_MOUNT_BASE="/home/jupyter/"; # bash script to mount base dir
export JUP_UMOUNT_BASE="/home/jupyter/"; # bash script to umount base dir
export JUP_NOTEBOOK_TIMEOUT="300"; # timeout the extraction
# Frequenci of log report
export JUP_DB_IP="localhost"; # postgres database IP
Then, configure the file ~/oauth2_creds.json, according to yagmail documentation:
Configure the and scripts. The first one should mount the folder that stores the directories. The second one should umount it. You can leave the scripts in blank, but it is not advisable, as the reproducibility study runs arbitrary code on your machine and you may lose your data.
Download and extract jupyter_reproducibility.tar.bz2:
tar -xjf jupyter_reproducibility.tar.bz2
Install 5 conda environments and 5 anaconda environments, for each python version. In each of them, upgrade pip, install pipenv, and install the archaeology package (Note that it is a local package that has not been published to pypi. Make sure to use the -e option):
Conda 2.7
conda create -n raw27 python=2.7 -y
conda activate raw27
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pipenv
pip install -e jupyter_reproducibility/archaeology
Anaconda 2.7
conda create -n py27 python=2.7 anaconda -y
conda activate py27
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pipenv
pip install -e jupyter_reproducibility/archaeology
Conda 3.4
It requires a manual jupyter and pathlib2 installation due to some incompatibilities found on the default installation.
conda create -n raw34 python=3.4 -y
conda activate raw34
conda install jupyter -c conda-forge -y
conda uninstall jupyter -y
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install jupyter
pip install pipenv
pip install -e jupyter_reproducibility/archaeology
pip install pathlib2
Anaconda 3.4
conda create -n py34 python=3.4 anaconda -y
conda activate py34
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pipenv
pip install -e jupyter_reproducibility/archaeology
Conda 3.5
conda create -n raw35 python=3.5 -y
conda activate raw35
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pipenv
pip install -e jupyter_reproducibility/archaeology
Anaconda 3.5
It requires the manual installation of other anaconda packages.
conda create -n py35 python=3.5 anaconda -y
conda install -y appdirs atomicwrites keyring secretstorage libuuid navigator-updater prometheus_client pyasn1 pyasn1-modules spyder-kernels tqdm jeepney automat constantly anaconda-navigator
conda activate py35
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pipenv
pip install -e jupyter_reproducibility/archaeology
Conda 3.6
conda create -n raw36 python=3.6 -y
conda activate raw36
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pipenv
pip install -e jupyter_reproducibility/archaeology
Anaconda 3.6
conda create -n py36 python=3.6 anaconda -y
conda activate py36
conda install -y anaconda-navigator jupyterlab_server navigator-updater
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pipenv
pip install -e jupyter_reproducibility/archaeology
Conda 3.7
conda create -n raw37 python=3.7 -y
conda activate raw37
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pipenv
pip install -e jupyter_reproducibility/archaeology
Anaconda 3.7
When we executed the experiments, the anaconda package for Python 3.7 was not complete. So, we attempted to install all Anaconda 3.x dependencies manually
conda create -n py37 python=3.7 anaconda -y
conda activate py37
conda install -y _ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf alabaster anaconda-client anaconda-navigator anaconda-project appdirs asn1crypto astroid astropy atomicwrites attrs automat
conda install -y babel backports backports.shutil_get_terminal_size beautifulsoup4 bitarray bkcharts blaze blosc bokeh boto bottleneck bzip2
conda install -y cairo colorama constantly contextlib2 curl cycler cython
conda install -y defusedxml docutils et_xmlfile fastcache filelock fribidi
conda install -y get_terminal_size gevent glob2 gmpy2 graphite2 greenlet
conda install -y harfbuzz html5lib hyperlink imageio imagesize incremental isort
conda install -y jbig jdcal jeepney jupyter jupyter_console jupyterlab_launcher keyring kiwisolver
conda install -y libtool libxslt lxml matplotlib mccabe mkl-service mpmath navigator-updater
conda install -y nltk nose numpydoc openpyxl pango patchelf pathlib2 patsy pep8 pkginfo ply pyasn1 pyasn1-modules pycodestyle pycosat pycrypto pycurl pyflakes pylint pyodbc pywavelets
conda install -y rope scikit-image scikit-learn seaborn service_identity singledispatch spyder spyder-kernels statsmodels sympy
conda install -y tqdm traitlets twisted unicodecsv xlrd xlsxwriter xlwt zope zope.interface
conda install -y sortedcollections typed-ast
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pipenv
pip install -e jupyter_reproducibility/archaeology
Use nltk to download stopwords:
conda activate py36
python -c "import nltk;'stopwords')"
Everything should be set to run right now.
In this step, we recommend using the py36 environment to orchestrate the execution. We designed the scripts for Python 3.6, and if they are correctly configured, it can invoke the other environments.
conda activate py36
If you want to extend the execution to more environments, configure the environments on the file archaeology/
For querying and downloading repositories from github, run on the jupyter_reproducibility/archaeology directory:
For extracting data from the repositories and notebooks, run on this order:
Alternatively, execute the following script that orchestrates all the executions and notifies when they finish:
If some script fails to process all repositories/notebooks/cells, use the option "-e" to rerun it and force the re-extraction.
After this process, refer to the *Reproducing the Analysis* Section for analyzing the collected data.
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