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Published October 22, 2018 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

High resolution orthophotos and a digital surface model of the Roman city of Pollentia (Mallorca, Spain) using RPAS imagery, aerial images, and open data archives

  • 1. Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
  • 2. ICREA, Universitat de Barcelona (ERAAUB)
  • 3. Universitat de Barcelona (ERAAUB)


This communication presents an approach to generate high resolution orthophotos and a digital surface model combining RPAS imagery and ground control support derived from aerial and publicly accessible data instead of organizing a specific surveying campaign. The scope of the presented research is the multi-resolution geospatial data management and this research seeks to contribute to this topic by assuring geo-referencing consistency between RPAS imagery and aerial and historical orthophotos. The approach has been experimentally tested and validated in the Roman city of Pollentia (Alcúdia, Mallorca, Spain) and might be further applied to any other archeological site where aerial imagery and auxiliary data are available.


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High resolution orthophotos and a digital surface.pdf

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