Published January 9, 2016 | Version v1
Report Open

Gorwaa Language Project: Action Plan I (2017-2022); Babati - August 2016 / Mradi wa Lugha ya Kigorowa: Mpango Kazi I (2017-2022); Babati - Agosti 2016

  • 1. SOAS, University of London
  • 2. Kamati ya Lugha ya Kigorowa


The following action plan comes as a result of five years of close collaboration between local Gorwaa language community members (Josiah Sumaye, Hezekiah Kodi, Raheli Lawi, Andrea Tsino, Paschal Bu’ú, Stephano Edward, and Festo Massani), and a foreign linguist (Andrew Harvey).  It is meant to serve as both an account of their reflections on the current state of Gorwaa language loss, as well as a path forward for community-centered language revitalization.

Mpango kazi ufuatao umekuja kama matokeo ya miaka mitano ya mahusiano ya karibu sana baina ya wajumbe wa Kamati ya Jamii ya Lugha ya Gorwaa (Josiah Sumaye, Hezekiah Kodi, Raheli Lawi, Andrea Tsino, Paschal Buu, Stephano Edward na Festo Massani, na Mtaalamu mtafiti wa kigeni wa Lugha Andrew Harvey). Mpango huu umekusudiwa kutumika kama wajibu kuakisi hali halisi ya upotevu wa lugha ya Gorowaa, pia kama njia kuelekea ufufuaji wa lugha na uboreshaji wake katika jamii.


Note: This report has not gone through a process of peer review, and findings should therefore be treated as preliminary and subject to change. Acknowledgement and citation: Harvey, Andrew, Hezekiah Kodi, Josiah Sumaye, Raheli Lawi, Andrea Tsino, Paschal Bu'ú, Stephano Edward, and Festo Massani. 2016. Gorwaa Language Project: Action Plan I (2017-2022); Babati - August 2016 / Mradi wa Lugha ya Kigorowa: Mpango Kazi I (2017-2022); Babati - Agosti 2016

