Published September 1, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

5G Technologies for the Connected Car

  • 1. Ericsson
  • 2. Huawei German Research Center
  • 3. Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
  • 4. Volvo cars
  • 5. Kings College London
  • 6. Chalmers University of Technology


This paper discusses the role of 5G technologies for the connected car. 5G technologies will enable cars and vehicles to be connected to the networks and also to be able to talk to each other ensuring ultra high reliability and very low latency.
Enabling such kind of connectivity will leverage disruptive new applications that will allow to improve driving efficiency and boost road safety. First preliminary results from the EC-funded 5GPPP 5GCAR project are presented with regard to certain technologies that will enable the connected car, including channel
measurement and modeling, advanced V2X communications, and fog computing. Also, a business perspective is provided, where the transformation of the automotive sector due to 5G is discussed.


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5GCAR – Fifth Generation Communication Automotive Research and innovation 761510
European Commission