Published December 20, 2018 | Version Version v1.0.0
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Surface water and flooding dynamics based on seasonally continuous Landsat data (1986-2011) in a dryland river basin (monthly, seasonally, and yearly animations)

  • 1. University of New South Wales


The animations provided here are part of the following publication:
Tulbure, M.G. and M. Broich (2018). Spatiotemporal patterns and effects of climate and land use on surface water extent dynamics in a dryland region with three decades of Landsat satellite data. Science of the Total Environment.

Please refer to the above mentioned publication for a description of the data and interpretation of the patterns.

The animations are based on statistically validated surface water and flooding extent dynamics data derived from seasonally continous Landsat TM/ETM+ and random forest models from 1986 to 2011 over Australia's Murray-Darling Basin. The overall accuracy was over 99% and producer's accuracy for water 87% +/- 3%. 

The method is described in the following publication: 
Tulbure, M.G., M. Broich, S.V. Stehman, A. Kommareddy. (2016). Surface water extent dynamics from three decades of seasonally continuous Landsat time series at subcontinental scale in a semi-arid region. Remote Sensing of Environment. 178: 142-157 and available here: 



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Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - Grant ID: DE140101608 DE140101608
Australian Research Council
