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Published December 17, 2018 | Version v1
Report Open

Recommendations on the synchronisation and interoperability of RI funding instruments


The present document presents the recommendations on the synchronisation and interoperability of funding instruments for Research Infrastructures (RI), within the scope of the activities of InRoad. The three recommendations here presented, on how to promote a higher degree of coordination between regional national and European funding frameworks to support the long-term sustainability of RI, are based on the cumulative findings from the sequential tasks of the project described in the following section. In particular, the Consultation Report, the Case Studies conducted, the Regional Technical Workshops and the Validation Workshop represented pivotal moments within the overall process of gathering and treating information. A draft version of the recommendations here presented was developed and presented as one of the four policy areas of the project’s briefing note for the Validation Workshop, that took place on the 1st and 2nd of October, 2018, in Brussels. Feedback and interventions from said event were herewith considered. In section 3 of this document, the recommendations, sub-recommendations and explanatory text are present accordingly to the InRoad Final Report, where they are present alongside the other identified policy areas.


D4.5_Recommendations on the synchronisation and interoperability of RI funding instruments.pdf

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InRoad – Towards better Synchronisation of Priority Settings and Evaluation Mechanisms for Research Infrastructures Beyond National Relevance 730928
European Commission