Published December 11, 2018 | Version
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Good practices and common trends of national research infrastructure roadmapping procedures and evaluation mechanisms


The InRoad Deliverable 3.3 describes and analyses national research infrastructure roadmapping procedures, as well as evaluations and monitoring processes in Europe. For this purpose, four case studies (Finland, Netherlands, Czech Republic and Sweden) of national roadmapping processes were conducted, from which good practices and key results were derived. Furthermore, a desk study was carried out to compare national procedures for the evaluation and monitoring of RIs and to identify additional good practices. On the basis of a cross-country analysis, the results of the consultation and survey (compendium) conducted in 2017 on national roadmapping processes were also evaluated and compared. The results of the different data sources as well as the good practices were the basis for the policy insights on coordination between national and European RI roadmapping processes and embedding RI roadmapping processes in national research and innovation systems formulated in the InRoad final report. In general the results showed a great diversity and heterogeneity in the respective national roadmapping processes, yet also some good practices were identified which could contribute to a better coordination of these processes.



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InRoad – Towards better Synchronisation of Priority Settings and Evaluation Mechanisms for Research Infrastructures Beyond National Relevance 730928
European Commission