Social and economic development of Ukraine at the publication of P. Stebnytsky (the beginning of the twentieth century)
In the article, P. Stebnytskyi’s public journalist has been analyzed, attributed to the social and economic camp of Ukraine, his new text has been revealed at the warehouse’s national discourse. In particular, such reports of a public figure such as «Terrible Legacy» have been subjected to a detailed analysis. (Economic and financial consequences of the World War)», «Ukraine in the Russian economy», «The results and prospects of the proletarian economy», a number of reviews on books on economic topics. A list of relevant publications by P. Stebnitsky is given. In addition, the activity of a public figure in the positions of an official of the Ministry of Finance, the head of the commercial department of the editorial office of the «Commerce and Telegraph Agency», his involvement in the editing and publication of the St. Petersburg magazines «Herald of Finance, Industry and Trade», «Russian Economic Review» and «an industrial newspaper». In Kyiv, P. Stebnitsky actively collaborated with the journal «Knigar», which reviewed the books of political and economic content. The research used problem-chronological, comparative-historical, descriptive methods, content analysis and source criticism. It is established that among publications on economic topics P. Stebnickiy are allocated the following: 1) development of trade abroad and in the provinces of the Russian Empire; 2) development of various industries - production of sugar, tobacco, beer, silk, gold mining; 3) the state of the economy in Germany; 4) organization of fairs and fair trade; 5) reviews of the bread and labor markets, statistical and economic notes; 6) reviews of the periodicals, reviews of the work of the
economic profile, in particular, the revisions of I. Feshchenko-Chopovsky, V. Chirvinsky, O. Shjadilov, M. Yasnogo. Manuscript P.Stebnitsky’s «The Terrible Legacy. (Economic and financial consequences of World War)» is devoted to the social and economic situation of Ukraine after the First World War. «Ukraine in the economy of Russia» is a reflection-the answer of the publicist to the question of whether the policy of centralism of the Russian government is optimal for the development of the economy of the outlying states, including Ukraine. In his paper «The Results and Prospects of the Proletarian Economy», P. Stebnicki criticized the methods of the then Bolshevik economists, addressing, in particular, the works of E. Quiringa, L. Yasnopolsky, M. Nakhimson, and others. It was found out that the public figure was guided by the peaceful evolutionary way of reforming the national economy
of Ukraine, as well as the construction of the economic structure and economy on federal basis only.
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