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Published December 14, 2018 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D8.7 Network of Interest workshop report

  • 1. BUND
  • 3. DRAXIS


The present document is a deliverable of the hackAIR project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme. As part of its activities to disseminate and communicate the project, hackAIR also organised a couple of events and workshops to bring together stakeholders to inform about hackAIR and receive valuable feedback and to strengthen the hackAIR project. This report gives an overview of the events that were organised until the end of the second project year 2017.


D8.7-Network of Interest workshop report_final.pdf

Files (1.2 MB)

Additional details


hackAIR – Collective awareness platform for outdoor air pollution 688363
European Commission