Published December 12, 2018 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

CORBEL Sustainable plan for user access to common RI services for 4 use case cross-ESFRI BMS research infrastructure pipelines

  • 1. EMBL
  • 2. MDC


Since the beginning of the CORBEL project, work in WP4 has focused on the establishment of common service pipelines between multiple RIs in the biosciences. The mission of this WP is to help users to progress further with advanced research projects in need of a diverse set of technologies and services. Established pipelines between service providers were tested and refined in several rounds, starting with VIP projects, then opening up the services to the general scientific community via two Open Calls. Considering the complexity of the envisaged projects, the high application numbers in both Open Calls demonstrate the need for combined service provision very clearly. To secure a leading role for Europe in biomedical research and to ensure the technological support needed for cutting-edge scientific projects, it is indispensable to develop mechanisms that will maintain access to these service pipelines also beyond CORBEL. This deliverable exposes key aspects that are required to offer joint service provision. It details which measures are needed to sustain service pipelines between BMS RIs, and which pipelines are the ones that were requested most by the user community. These pipelines are expected to bear the highest potential for innovative discoveries.


CORBEL_D4.2_User access to common RI services_December-2018.pdf

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European Commission
CORBEL – Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services 654248