Published December 10, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open



This scientific work is devoted to the attempt to substantiate comprehensively the expediency of using the method of writing essays on socio-pedagogical topics in the process of teacher’s professional training. Proceeding from the interpretation of the essence of the method, its functional purpose in philosophical, linguistic, and literary literature, we determined adaptive foundations of the method regarding the features of the effective use of the method of essay writing in the educational process and pedagogy as a discipline. Specific examples demonstrate the priorities of the essay writing method in the development of social competence in particular and the social reflection of the future teacher in general. We stressed the great importance of the functions of self-education, self-worth student's activity, the development of creative reflexive thinking, and the ability to make effective decisions on an actual problem that has both professional and social significance.

Within the framework of the research that had been made, the methodical applicability of the essay was determined. Thus, the methodical applicability of essay provides the transformation of the goal into the plan: the development of a training method based on a specific plan (personally oriented goal), which gives the opportunity to focus on the aspects of the problem that is of special significance for the student. in the process of professional development. The methodical applicability of essay writing gives an opportunity to work out the technique of writing creative work, directing it to a concrete expected result of a current student’s problem. It optimizes the method of work with the theoretical material with a further formation of theoretical constructs, on the basis of which the work on its implementation into a practical plane on a personally oriented basis is developed. The methodical applicability of essay increases the level of efficiency of the methodology of algorithmic thinking activity in the situation of a theoretical and practical study of the problem, and self-determination in its context. Besides, the functions of self-educational, self-assessing student activity are enhanced, which manifests itself in the ability to make effective decisions on an actual problem that has both professional and social significance.


МАКЕТ_ПЕД_НАУКИ_№_72_(1) (1)-124-138.pdf

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