Published January 17, 2019 | Version v1
Working paper Open

Concept paper on the future of data in EFSA

  • 1. European Food Safety Authority


Concept paper on the future of scientific data in EFSA: summary of thematic areas emerging from two internal brainstorm workshops

Data are at the heart of EFSA’s 2020 Strategy. Within the framework of strategic objective 2, “Widen EFSA’s evidence base and maximise access to its data”, several cross unit activities are ongoing to deliver three underpinning operational objectives[1]: i) adopt an open data approach, ii) improve data interoperability to facilitate data exchange, and iii) migrate towards structured scientific data.

EFSA has already started to make much of its data and evidence publicly accessible via its scientific data warehouse, knowledge junction, the EFSA journal on the Wiley platform, as well as European open data portals. EFSA’s published outputs are now available as JATS[1] XML, the international standard for journal articles. Within the context of the MATRIX project, EFSA is in the process of piloting migration from PDF dossier applications in the regulated product area towards electronic dossier submission and automatic publication of non-confidential information using structured formats based, insofar as possible, on existing international standards to enable data access and re-use.

This paper looks beyond the current EFSA strategy and its implementation plan. It reflects on the acquisition, management and use of data in EFSA by 2027 and beyond, considering developments in information technology and digitalisation in the environment in which the agency operates. This includes recent developments like machine learning and collective intelligence available globally via the internet that are capable of searching, elaborating and digesting enormous quantities of data.

In particular, this paper elaborates on several initiatives that were considered of significant potential following two brainstorm workshops on this topic in May-June 2017 with staff from EFSA’s AMU (Assessment and Methodological Support), DATA (Evidence Management) and DTS (Digital Transformation Services) units. An overview of shortlisted initiatives clustered in four thematic areas is presented together with examples of scientific needs that they could help to address, as well as examples of key enablers to do so.

It is envisaged that the content of this paper will contribute to future strategic planning concerning data at EFSA and in particular EFSA’s next (2027) strategy. While primarily intended for internal use, the document is shared with interested external stakeholders for information.


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