Published December 31, 2010
| Version v1
FIGURE 3 in Revision of Benedeniella Johnston, 1929 (Monogenea: Capsalidae), its assignment to Entobdellinae Bychowsky, 1957 and comments on subfamilial composition
FIGURE 3. Differential interference contrast photomicrographs of haptor and anterior attachment organs from stained, mounted specimens of Benedeniella species. A. Accessory sclerite (as) and anterior (= proximal) part of anterior hamulus (ah) on one side of haptor of B. macrocolpa (Lühe, 1906) Yamaguti, 1963 showing route of tendon through proximal notch (pn) of accessory sclerite before attaching to proximal end of anterior hamulus with a branch (b) of the tendon apparently attaching to haptor tissue. AHC 29906 (specimen labeled no. 1). B. The left anterior attachment organ of B. macrocolpa showing complete ventral grooves (gr) and some incomplete grooves (ig) anterolaterally. Note the rounded papillae (rp) at the anterior extremity of the parasite. AHC 29906 (specimen labeled no. 1). C. Accessory sclerite (as) and anterior (= proximal) part of anterior hamulus (ah) on one side of haptor of B. posterocolpa (Hargis, 1955) Yamaguti, 1963 showing route of tendon through proximal notch of accessory sclerite before attaching to proximal end of anterior hamulus with a branch (b) of the tendon apparently attaching to haptor tissue. AHC 29911 (specimen labeled no. 13). D. The left anterior attachment organ of B. posterocolpa showing ventral grooves (gr) and some incomplete grooves (ig) anterolaterally. Note the dorsal horn (dh) where the body and anterior attachment organ join. AHC 29911 (specimen labeled no. 13). Scale bars: 200 µm.
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