Published December 2, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Intestinal infection (II) of various etiologies is among to the most widespread diseases in the world. The treatment regimen bacterial etiology involves the suppression of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic with the restoration of the normal intestinal microflora. For effective antibiotic pharmacotherapy of intestinal infections are widely used drug combinations with the additionof nifuroxazide, as well as enzymatic and normalizing bowel motility broad-spectrum drugs. Intestinal antiseptics nifuroxazide characterized by broad spectrum of antibacterial action against Staphylococcus spp, Clostridium spp, E. coli, Salmonella spp, Shigellaspp, Proteus spp, Klebsiellaspp, Enterobacter spp, V. cholerae, H. pylori, Yersinia spp, and also the lack of effect on the normal intestinal flora, high safety profile. Recently, for the treatment of intestinal infections nifuroxazide often combined with pre- and probiotics for complex correction of the intestinal microflora disorders. For complex therapy of intestinal infections, we have developed an original combined medicine "Diaplant", in the form of capsules, comprising as active ingredients nifuroxazide (200 mg) in combination with plant substance plantaglucide (200 mg). Plantaglucide drug obtained from Plantago major has spasmolytic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity, normalizes bowel peristalsis, while reducing the tone of smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines, reduces swelling folds of the gastric mucosa, and contained therein polysaccharides in the form of pectins have properties of prebiotic and have immunostimulatory effects.  Aim of the work – study of antibacterial action of combined drug "Diaplant" containing nifuroxazide and plantaglucide in regard to test strains and clinical strains of microorganisms allocated from patients with bacterial diarrhea.  Materials and methods. Estimation of antimicrobial activity was performed under conditions in vitro by method of serial dilutions. The object of research is a combined drug " Diaplant ", a reference drug"Enterofuril" manufacture  of ("Bosnalijek" Bosnia and Herzegovina).  For the evaluation of drugs samples activity used the following test strains: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Basillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Proteus vulgaris ATCC 4636, Pseudomonas aeruginosa АТСС 27853, Candida albicans ATCC 885/653. Clinical material comes from the Center of medical and environmental research to the bacteriological laboratory. Was allocated and identified 109 strains of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.  Results and its discussion. For clinical and test strains S. aureus MIC indicators for combined drug «Diaplant" were 15.0 mg / l, whereas the reference drug "Enterofuril" MIC equaled 30.0 mg / l. For E. coli - MIC indicators for combined drug «Diaplant" was 7.5 mg / l, for an "Enterofurila" - 15.0 - 30 mg \ l. MIC for combined drug "Diaplant" against different clinical strains of Enterobacteriaceae species ranged from 15.0 mg / l to 30.0 mg / l in comparison with "Enterofurilom", where the MIC was 30mg / l - 60mg / l. For yeasts and clinical strains C.albicans MIC combination drug "Diaplant" product is 15.0 mg / l, whereas equal to 30.0 mg / l for the control drug "Enterofuril" MIC. For test strains, such as P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, P. vulgaris ATCC 4636, MIC "Diaplant" drug was 100.0 mg / l, whereas control drug "Enterofuril" MIC was above > 100.0 mg / l. For clinical strains of P. mirabilis and P. vulgaris MIC "Diaplant" was 30.0 mg / l, whereas the MIC "Enterofuril" equal to 60.0 mg / l. For clinical P. aeruginosa strains MIC "Diaplant" was 100.0 mg / l, whereas control drug "Enterofuril" MIC was above > 100.0 mg / l. It has been established that 80-95% of clinical microbial strains showed sensitivity to combined preparation "Diaplant". The highest index of sensitivity has next strains: S. aureus - 92,8% of strains, S. epidermidis - 100% of the strains, E. coli (lactose-negative) - 100% of the strains, K. pneumoniae, and K. mobilis 85-87% of the strains. Conclusions. 1. As a result of the conducted research was found, that the combined drug "Diaplant", containing as active ingredients nifuroxazide in combination with herbal substances plantaglucide, has a pronounced antibacterial activity against the reference strains and clinical strains of microorganisms, the main pathogens of bacterial diarrhea.  2. Plantaglucide substance which is part of the capsules is enhances the antimicrobial effect nifuroxazide at the expense of its own antibacterial properties of phenolic compounds, polysaccharides and their possible synergies.



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