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Published June 26, 2015 | Version v0.9.0-SimpleElastix
Software Open

SimpleElastix: SimpleElastix v0.9.0

  • 1. Mayo Clinic
  • 2. Google, Inc.
  • 3. Kitware, Inc
  • 4. NLM
  • 5. Neocis, Inc.
  • 6. The University of Iowa
  • 7. Kitware, Inc.


SimpleElastix is a fork of SimpleITK that integrates elastix and transformix. The goal of SimpleElastix is to bring robust registration algorithms to a wider audience and make it easier to use elastix for e.g. Java-based enterprise applications or rapid Python prototyping. This package provides

  • elastix and transformix bindings for Python, Java, R, Ruby, Octave, Lua, Tcl and C# (see elastix manual for a list of supported registration algorithms).
  • Installation, examples, usage and introductory material at
  • A user-friendly API that aligns with the design philosophy of SimpleITK, developed specifically for rapid prototyping and use in scripting languages.
  • Pre-configured parameter files that should serve as good starting points for new users.
  • A SuperBuild that automatically compiles and installs SimpleElastix and any dependencies.
  • The complete set of SimpleITK image processing algorithms.

It is our hope that this package will lower the entry barrier for new elastix users and that it will be a useful alternative to scripting command line arguments in larger projects. If you experience any issues using SimpleElastix, pull requests and issues on Github are greatly appreciated.


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