Published June 25, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Формування лексикографічної компетентності студентів нефілологічних факультетів

  • 1. ДВНЗ «Донбаський державний пе-дагогічний університет»


The democratic reforms in all spheres of our society have caused some changes in the organization and content of education in higher educational establishments, the search for the new forms and methods that have led to actualizing the problem of increasing linguistic and lexicographic culture of future teachers.

Ukrainian theoretical and studying lexicography has a long tradition, which has a positive impact both on the process of language normalization and improving lexicographic culture of the 

language speakers (P.Y. Goretskyi, B.D. Grinchenko, O.M. Demska-Kulchytska, S.Ya. Yermo-lenko, Ye.A. Karpilovska, V.V. Nimchuk, L.S. Palamarchuk, M.M. Peshchak, O.O. Taranenko and others).

The problem of forming lexicographic competence is primarily linked with the ways of presenting such notions as «word», «dictionary», «dictionary article», «typology of dictionaries» to the students of primary teachers training department. The key aspects of the work with dictionaries and reference resources are considered in the course of the discipline «Modern Ukrainian language with training» at the primary teachers training department.

Having analyzed the peculiarities of studying lexicographic material in the series of textbooks, it should be pointed out that the authors of the given textbooks do not take cultural approach to learning into consideration and, therefore, they do not pay enough attention to the problem of language and culture interaction.



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