Published June 24, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Текст і медіатекст як категорії кінодискурсу

  • 1. Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди


The article deals with the question of text and media text from the point of view of Communicative Linguistics. Its aim is to clarify the notion of text and media text as two discursive categories of the field of cinema and to describe their main peculiarities; to define the notion of film discourse. The research is relevant to the complicity of structural, semantic and communicative organization of the text and it causes the occurrence of different ways to define the text. Both text and discourse have communicative character, but the notion of discourse is wider, because except lingual or written expression, it covers all the extra lingual factors in combination with the social context and this feature gives an opportunity to understand the text as a whole as well as the basis of its functioning in the society. Media text is a kind of the text appeared in the field of mass media. Film terms are widely used within the media text and this fact confirms their communicative value therefore. We define film discourse, firstly, as a kind of communicative activity, which covers all the types of lingual interaction between moviemakers and the audience; between professionals, who take part in creation of films; between researcher of the film history and theory; secondly, it includes professional film communication, namely, texts, theoretical material, term glossaries, textbooks of motion picture arts, critical articles, directors’ diaries etc.



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