Published December 2, 2018 | Version v5
Journal article Open

Von der Kosmogonie zum Ikonoklasmus.Theodor Däubler, »Mit silberner Sichel« - Das Widmungsexemplar für Paul Klee


The article closes a gap in basic research with an analytical first publication. – In 1918 Paul Klee worked on an unrealized illustration project for Theodor Däubler's book »Mit silberner Sichel«. At Christmas 1917, Däubler donated a copy of the publication to Klee. This dedication copy was lost for more than 70 years. Since 2010 it is back in Klee's former library, which is kept now in the Zentrum Paul Klee. It containes numerous underlines and sketches. The task is thus to explain their significance in connection with the works in Klee's œuvre, which can be traced back to certain passages in Däubler's book.




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