Published April 16, 2015 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Open Science goes Geo - Part III: Beyond Data and Software

  • 1. Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
  • 2. Google
  • 3. Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam
  • 4. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
  • 5. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of the Columbia University
  • 6. Max Planck Institute for Chemistry


Open Science is a broad movement looking beyond Open Access to publish openly and share scientific research immediately. Accessibility is addressed on all levels for everyone, without fees.

This short course forms Part III in the Short Course series 'Open Science goes Geo'. Part III covers various forms of research results including algorithms, numerical models, geo-samples, virtual workspaces, and further aspects of Open Science such as metrics, persistent identifiers, and unambiguous linking of research results to scientists.

Open Science not only deals with Open Access papers but scientific research results in general including figures, data, models, algorithms, software, tools, notebooks, laboratory designs, recipes, samples and much more. Furthermore, it covers the communication, review, and discussion of research results and considers changing needs regarding incentives, quality assessment, metrics, impact, reputation, grants and funding. Thus Open Science encompasses licensing, policy-making, infrastructures and scientific heritage while safeguarding the dynamic nature of science and its evolving forms.

However, this short course is meant not to carry too far with Open Science. Rather, the short course looks at what innovative ways to collaborate and share research are possible nowadays and how they can be applied to the geosciences. The speakers present Open Science solutions and introduce networks. It is aimed to show how researchers can benefit from Open Science in various flavors, acknowledging the drawbacks and highlighting the opportunities available for geoscientists.


'Open Science goes Geo - Part III: Beyond Data and Software' is a Short Course held at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015. The talks are available at YouTube:



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