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Published November 30, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open



At the present stage, developed countries consider the process of introducing an environmental component into the strategy for the development of cities and regions to be an actual problem. Their purpose is to implement provisions of international decisions on this issue. According to the indicated problem, the article suggests studying methods for creating an object-spatial environment on the basis of an ecological approach in the territory of China using the example of art museums. In China, as elsewhere in the world, the problems of task forming as for rethinking and reconstruction of objects of industrial architecture with a new functional meaningful purpose arise with increasing urgency. The trend towards the re-functionalization of industrial facilities was widespread starting from the middle of the 20th century. The definition of new functions of these objects in their reorganization is very diverse. It can range from residential space to museum, shopping and entertainment complexes, etc. Creation of a museum in a non-functional building is one of the possible options. This solution ensures the preservation of the architectural monument and creates conditions for its future existence. Reprofiling of architectural objects and their use in museum-exhibition purposes requires study of project experience in this field, knowledge of the typology and structure of museums, the development of theoretical foundations for the creation of museums in spaces that have other functions. The purpose of this article is to determine formation methods of exhibition spaces of museums that preserve the character of previous function in architectural and spatial environment of objects of the renovation architecture. The method. The research based on the method of system analysis was carried out. In this research work the museum structure was considered from the position of establishing numerous structural links between its basic elements, in particular, the architecture of the building itself and its interiors. Results of the study. Studying of project practice in the field of museum sciences in China shows that one of the modern trends in the process of renovation of architectural structures in art museums is the combination of historical features of adapted building with museum needs. An analysis of such vivid examples as the Rockbund Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai, the Museum of Modern Art in Zi Bo, the M WOODS Museum in Beijing testifies that one of the approaches implemented in the process of adapting museum buildings is the preservation of their characteristics with a minimal change in redesigned space. To ensure the function of the Rockbund Museum of Modern Art in Shanghai, which was housed in the building of the former Royal Asiatic Society, certain changes were made in the existing space during the renovation process. Creation of an atrium on three floors was a signify cant intervention in the existing structure of the building. It gave additional light to inner rooms. The principal approach to the formation of interiors was its color solution: predominance of white colours determined by surfaces of walls and ceiling, with an emphatically contrasted selection of steel elements and door portals painted in black. The Museum of Modern Art in Zi Bo was established in the building of a former pharmaceutical factory. The design concept is based on preserving the structure of industrial facility and building character, emphasizing the relationship between internal and external spaces. A translucent corridor connects the interior and exterior, demonstrating old and new characteristics of the factory building in contrast. Large-span structures with their earthy texture are accented with modern lighting, where clear surface character of the wall and open building structures refer to previous characteristics of the space, emphasizing its history. A new design solution of the building facade is demonstrated by the M WOODS Museum, which is housed in a former ammunition factory in the Beijing Art District. A kind of screen from traditional steel mesh was created for the facade design. Through this screen the original brick facade of the building is viewed. In interior design the character of industrial structure remains due to such a spatial organization that preserves the reading of structural organization of space. In addition, deliberately identified rough surfaces of concrete slabs and supporting structures, unambiguously move the viewer to previous function of this structure. In contrast to these surfaces, smoothly plastered white wall surfaces look like used for exhibiting works of art created not only with the help of traditional techniques, but also presented as multimedia projections. Conclusions. It is established that the current concept of sustainable development is oriented to rational use of human, natural and economic resources and it is aimed at meeting basic needs of mankind in the very long term. Its implementation is realized through the adaptive use of architectural structures, the initial function of which becomes exhausted under the influence of social and economic factors. To date, the reuse of empty industrial areas, old buildings as museums within the framework of concept of sustainable development, is aimed at minimizing urban sprawl, conservation of raw materials and energy conservation, which are used to extend the life of structures. One of the modern trends in the formation of exposition spaces in modern art museums is the combination of historical features of the adapted building with the needs of the museum. The above examples show that in design solution of museum interiors in China’s design practice, the approach based on preserving the fundamental characteristics of the revitalized space is solved in the following ways: – preservation of surfaces that organize space; – the openness of original structural elements. From the point of view of composition in the organization of space, the method of the contrast is used as the main method between surrounding space and the objects represented in the exposition. Further scientific research lies in the plane of identifying other approaches to environment formation, both art museums and other museums created in the objects of renovation architecture.



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