Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
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FIGURES 14–24. Proteocephalus synodontis Woodland, 1925. 14 in Tapeworms (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea) of Synodontis spp. (Siluriformes) in Africa: survey of species and their redescriptions


FIGURES 14–24. Proteocephalus synodontis Woodland, 1925. 14, Holotype (BMNH 1961.4.10.87–102), Khartoum, Sudan, scolex, dorsoventral view. 15, 17–20. Apical organs. 15. Holotype, Khartoum. 17. From Synodontis schall, Girba, Sudan; 18. Immature tapeworm from Synodontis schall, Lake Turkana, Kenya; 19. From Synodontis schall, Kostí, Sudan; 20. From Synodontis caudovittata, Kostí, Sudan. 21, 24. Immature proglottides from S. caudovittata, Kostí, Sudan. 22. Holotype, immature proglottis (note median extent of testes not reaching to uterine stem). 23. Holotype, cross section of gravid proglottis. Abbreviations: ao—apical organ; cs—cirrus-sac; do—dorsal osmoregulatory canals; dv—dorsoventral muscle fibres; gc—gland cells; lm—longitudinal internal musculature; ov—ovary; sd—sperm duct (vas deferens); te—testes; ud—uterine diverticulum; uouterine orifice; ut—uterus; vc—vaginal canal; vi—vitelline follicles; vo—ventral osmoregulatory canals. Scale bars = 100 μm (14, 16, 21–24); 50 µm (15, 17–20).


Published as part of Chambrier, Alain De, Scholz, Tomáš, Mahmoud, Zuheir N., Mariaux, Jean & Jirkú, Miloslav, 2011, Tapeworms (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea) of Synodontis spp. (Siluriformes) in Africa: survey of species and their redescriptions, pp. 1-14 in Zootaxa 2976 on page 7, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.166251



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