Published April 1, 2012 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Heterophylly of Trapa natans L. Morphological and anatomical structure of leaves

  • 1. M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of NAS Ukraine. Tereschenkivska str. 2, Kiev, 01601, Ukraine


Morphological and anatomical features of floating and submerged (linear and dissected) leaves have been analyzed for Trapa natans L. plants, which characterized by heterophylly. The presence of various types of leaf lamina structure in floating and submerged leaves was confirmed. The morphological and anatomical features of two types of submerged leaves are differed from the features of floating leaves in vegetative phase of growth by the next features: form of leaf lamina, type of mesophyll, cell’s size, number of cellular layers of photosynthesizing parenchyma, and an absence of stomata.



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