The analysis of changes of indicators of variability of a heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, breath in a condition of rest is carried out and at carrying out of tests with controlled respiration of 6 and 15 times in a minute, having vegetothrophy influence. Calculated earlier centile distribution of distribution of indicators of variability of the listed functions at spontaneous and adjustable breath have allowed to establish differences in a range of 25-75 % of occurrence. In whole, we can state that controled respiratory 6 and 15 per time enable activation of various control links of system haemodynamics: at respiratory 6 per time – increase of LF-components of respiration control is transferred onto the LF-component of HR, SBP and DBP control, and the decrease of HF-components of respiration control practically does not effect the HF-components of HRV, SBPV and DBPV; at respiratory 15 per time – insignificant increase of LF-components of respiration control practically does not make any effect on LF-components of SBP and DBP control and reduces the LF-component of HR control, and significant increase of HF-components of respiration control is transferred onto HF-components of SBP and DBP control and practically does not make any effect on the HF-component of HRV. Thus, considering simplicity and rapidity of test performance, the data obtained can be used for a complex estimation of reactivity and depressive shifts of ANS sympathetic and parasympathetic part activities in cardio-respiratory system control, which are used for diagnostics of functional readiness of the body under conditions of learning and training and competitive processes.
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