Published November 26, 2018 | Version pre-print
Book chapter Open

Open Data & Education

  • 1. Latin American Initiative for Open Data
  • 2. University College London


Key Points

  • Open data can help researchers and policy makers understand the education landscape, can provide information for parents and children about education facilities and their performance, and can be used as an input into education: making a connection between open data and Open Educational Resources (OER).
  • Attention must focus beyond the simple availability of education data to also question how the data is shaped, presented, and used. This should address the ways in which, without wider policy interventions, making data available about education performance may ultimately reinforce stigma and social divides.
  • There has been relatively limited overlap between OER and Open Data communities, although since 2013, the Open Knowledge Education Working Group has sought to build connections between them. There are opportunities for future strengthening of these links, increasing the use of open data as a key educational resource, and supporting more applied civic education. 


C5 - Open Data & Education - Preprint Atenas & Havemann.pdf

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