Published September 14, 2016 | Version v1
Report Open

Building custom plugin for Kibana to visualise Oracle database audit logs

  • 1. CERN openlab Summer Student
  • 2. Summer Student Supervisor


Project Specification

A central platform which provides a highly scalable, secure and central repository that stores consolidated audit data from Oracle databases is being implemented at CERN. Among other purposes, this central platform will be used for reporting. The reports will provide a holistic view of activity across all oracle databases and will include compliance reports, activity reports and privilege reports.

With guidance and support from the supervisor, the candidate will customize the mentioned reports in order to improve the visualizations and graphs contained in it using a flexible analytics and visualization platform called Kibana.

The candidate will gain experience in building custom visualizations, aggregations and styling using Kibana along with mastering real-time summaries and charting of streaming data.


Report provides more details about Openlab Summer Student Programme project. Project was Building custom plugin for Kibana to visualise Oracle database audit logs. Chapter one is explaining bigger picture about the project. Chapter two is giving more details about the project architecture. It is also explaining more about used technologies – about Elasticsearch and Kibana. This is important, because it explains problems with current technologies and motivation for this project.

Chapter three is explaining student's project. It is giving information about used technologies, plugin structure and current state of the plugin. It also explains which difficulties had student during the work.

Considering the fact that some of readers may be interested to try using the plugin, to extend it, or even to create own plugin - chapter three is providing readers with the info how they can do it. In the same chapter can be found ideas for further work on the project.



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