Published July 31, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

An Overview of the Adventure of Meaning of Concept of Messiah within the Covenant Tradition [Ahit Geleneğindeki Mesih Kavramının Anlam Serüvenine Genel Bir Bakış]


The concept of Messiah a basically reformed in Judaism and Christianity is the principal matter of this paper. This concept that was outlined by more humanely worries can be found in many cultures. Nonetheless the main purpose is to evaluate it only chronologically from Judaism to Islam, that is to say, the Covenant Tradition. It is tried to clearly understand that which kind of transformation been faced about it and on the other hand what is approach of Holy Qur’ān the last ring of the revelation to this concept’s adventure throughout history and which imagination can be true in terms of Qur’ān. Consequently, it can be accepted that the concept of Messiah has been as an important sample of instrument for disregarding human nature.


This article has been published previously in Turkish: Yılmaz, Mustafa Selim. "Ahit Geleneğindeki Mesih Kavramının Anlam Serüvenine Genel Bir Bakış". İslâmî Araştırmalar 27/3 (2016): 311-322.


9_ULUM_Volume_1_Issue_1_July_2018_ pages_85-101_by_M.Selim_Yılmaz.pdf

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