Published November 13, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open



У статті обґрунтовано теоретичні аспекти розвитку дидактичних ігор і творчих вправ у процесі вивчення частин мови. Охарактеризовано значення дидактичної гри у формуванні активної розумової діяльності молодших школярів. Виокремлено та обґрунтовано дидактичні вимоги щодо забезпечення ефективності ігрової діяльності на уроках української мови. Проаналізовано особливості використання вчителями початкових класів елементів цікавого мовознавства в процесі вивчення частин мови.

The article substantiates the theoretical aspects of the didactic games and interesting exercises development in the process of parts of speech studying. Significance of the didactic game in formation of junior pupils’ active mental activity has been characterized. The didactic requirements for ensuring efficiency of the game activity on the Ukrainian language lessons are distinguished and grounded. The peculiarities of usage of the elements of interesting linguistics by the elementary school teachers in the process of parts of speech study are analyzed. The main task of such classes is active and purposeful enrichment and improvement of students’ speech. An effective way of the schoolchildren’s speech development promotion is situational tasks. They stimulate thinking and increase the students’ interest to the program material, enhance their activity in formation of knowledge, skills and abilities that is, cognitive activity. The purpose of didactic games is formation of students’ ability to combine theoretical knowledge with practical activity. Students will be able to master the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities only when they are interested in them, and when the teacher managed to interest the students. It is important to conduct games systematically and purposefully on each lesson, starting with elementary game situations, gradually complicating  and diversifying them as students’ accumulated knowledge, development of skills and abilities, understanding the rules of a game, development of memory, education of quick-wittedness, independence, perseverance, etc. Didactic games, used in the Ukrainian language classes in their organic combination, develop not only speech but also memory, attention, quick-wittedness, ability to classify objects, to compare them, to generalize, to differentiate.



Стаття - Сойко І. М., Трушківська В. В..pdf

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