Published November 13, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Анотація. В статті розкрито поняття виховання в дусі миру.  Висвітлено можливості бесіди  як однієї  із форм виховної роботи закладу дошкільної освіти, яка організовано і планомірно проводиться вихователями з метою вивчення нового або закріплення знайомого матеріалу чи  перевірки знань дітей про миролюбство. Обґрунтовано, що цілеспрямована робота вихователів під час проведення з дітьми  бесід про мир   сприяє вихованню у старших дошкільників гуманних почуттів, формує риси свідомої поведінки дітей та бажання жити в мирі.

Annotation. This article reveals the concept of the children’s bringing up in the spirit of peace. The methods of work concerning acquaintance of preschoolers with ideas of peace are presented. The possibilities of conversation as one of the forms of educational work of the institution of preschool education, which organized and systematically conducted by educators with the purpose of studying the new or fixing familiar material, or checking the children’s knowledge about peaceable disposition, love of native Ukraine, its role in the social life of other states, in the struggle for peace among peoples are determined. The pedagogical requirements for conversation about the peace policy of Ukraine, which deal with the content of conversation, the form of its conduction, and correspondence of the material to the educational characteristics of children were developed and tested. The authors emphasize that while preparing for an ethical conversation, the teacher should take into account the fact that the child’s experience contains certain impressions, results of observations, attitude to the actions of literary heroes and coevals, therefore, laying the foundation of civic feelings among the elder preschool children, it is necessary not to overestimate the children with information. It is argued that conversation will achieve the positive effects only in the case when it is built on the «live» accessible perception of children by the materials, when it creates appropriate emotions and helps them to see the positive and negative in the people’s behaviour, motives them to self-appraisal of their actions. It is proved that such conversations with the purpose of educating peacefulness and humane feelings of children have great educational power: they help children to imagine practically how it is important to keep peace in this difficult time for our country.


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