Published October 26, 2018 | Version 1
Dataset Open


  • 1. INRIA Nancy Grand Est, France
  • 1. INRIA Nancy Grand Est, France


This dataset contains motion and force measurements of humans performing various manual tasks. 2 participants performed 3 different tasks (5 trials per task): whole-body reaching with arm support, picking-up a heavy object of the floor, and applying a vertical downward force of 1/4th of one's weight. Participants' whole-body kinematics, ground reaction force and pressure force on the hand were recorded. Whole-body kinematics was recorded both with optical (gold standard) and with inertial motion capture systems. Ground reaction force was recorded both with force plates (gold standard) and sensorized shoes. Hand pressure force was recorded with a prototype glove embedding pressure sensors.

All data files are available in proprietary format (when existing), in standard notion analysis format, and in csv format. Videos of a human avatar replaying participants' motions are also provided.


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An.Dy – Advancing Anticipatory Behaviors in Dyadic Human-Robot Collaboration 731540
European Commission