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Published October 21, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Governing Cyber Security through Networks: An Analysis of Cyber Security Coordination in Belgium

  • 1. Ghent University, Belgium


  • 1. International Journal of Cyber Criminology


While governments develop formal and informal structures or networks to promote collaboration between governmental departments and agencies, there remains uncertainty on how to set up and develop cyber security networks. The latter is demonstrated when taking recent developments in the field of cyber security in Belgium into consideration. The 2012 decision to create the Belgian cyber security centre seems to entail a move towards a Weberian hierarchical network coordination approach rather than the development of a cyber security network organisation. This article claims that - as the threats of cyber are becoming more complex - there is a growing need for governmental agencies to expand horizontal coordination mechanisms. From this follows, the growing demand for criminological research into the managerial aspects of cyber security networks. Generating knowledge on how to manage networks is required as the latter is not only decisive for the effectiveness and efficiency of cyber security networks but also contributes to the overall network cyber security governance.



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