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There is a newer version of the record available.

Published October 21, 2018 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

Parametrized eXtreme Rainfall (PXR)

  • 1. Department of Geography and the Environment, Loughborough University
  • 2. Department of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford


Parametrized eXtreme Rain (PXR) is a dataset that simplifies the representation of extreme precipitation on a global scale. It allows the creation of Itensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves.

PXR are created by fitting the extreme value distribution on the annual precipitation maxima obtained by reanalysis.

PXR-2 consists of maps of the Gumbel parameters for 19 event durations (1 to 360 hours).

PXR-4 uses the scaling characteristic of the distribution parameters to provide a simpler, four-parameter dataset that could be employed to create IDF curves for a range of durations.


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