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Published October 20, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Use of Sandwich construction for an aircraft struct ural component is very common to the present day. O ne of the primary requirements of aerospace structural materials is t hat they should have low density,very stiff and st rong. Sandwich panels are thin-walled structures fabricated from two flat sheets separate d by a low density core. We have investigated here is of aluminium honeycomb structure because of excellent crush strength and fatigue res istance. Sandwich panels have a very high stiffness to weight ratio with respect equivalent solid plate because of low density core. FEA modeling is developed by consideration of rota ry inertia. The free vibration analysis of sandwich panels is studied . Four noded isoparametric shell element is used for FEA. The effects of sandwich design parameters,such as face thickness,core thickness and pitch,on the global bending and vibration resp onses are determined. Convergence study is also included for high accuracy of the res ults. Analytical results are based on classical ben ding theory. Mode shapes and corresponding natural frequencies are studied for s imply supported sandwich panel and cantilever condi tion.


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