Published August 29, 2018 | Version v1
Poster Restricted

Satellite observations, autonomous in situ sensors and ecological modelling: a case study in Lake Trasimeno

  • 1. CNR-IREA
  • 2. University of Milano Bicocca
  • 3. Water Insight
  • 4. Deltares
  • 5. ARPA Umbria


Regular observations of water quality in lakes provide essential information for resource management. To the aim, integration of satellite remote sensing, in situ monitoring from optical sensors and ecological modeling might provide multi scale and multifrequency data. These data might be also combined to ecological modeling to forecast water conditions to alert for example for cyanobacterial blooms. This study presents the application of a such integrated approach developed in Lake Trasimeno in collaboration with ARPA Umbria, the water authority in charge for monitoring and managing the lake. In the following panels we show the main achievements reached so far from the three components as part of the European EOMORES project. The results all focus on chl-a concentration as it was the most relevant parameters for ARPA Umbria needs. Poster presented at 'Water Quality Information for the Benefit of Society' - Joint Workshop GEO AquaWatch & the NERC GloboLakes project, 29-31 August 2018, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK



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European Commission
EOMORES – Earth Observation based services for Monitoring and Reporting of Ecological Status 730066