Published September 25, 2018 | Version v1
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iPRES Authors 2004 - 2017 by Country

  • 1. TIB


This infographic compiles information for iPRES authors 2004 - 2014, grouped by the country associated with their affiliated institution. Motivation for this work was an analysis for the 15th Interational Conference on Digital Preservation, looking back at how globally spread participation is. While iPRES originally started out as  the „Chinese-European Workshop on Digital Preservation” (Beijing July 14 – 16, 2004), the series locale now alternates between Asia/Oceania – Americas – Europe


  • pulled all author names & country of their affiliated institution out of conference program / proceedings, as linked from 
  • included: authors of presentations (2004-2007), long/short/full paper (2008/2009), long/short/full paper (since 2010), posters (since 2010), demos (since 2011), tutorials (since 2010), workshops (since 2010), panels (since 2010)
  • not Included: Keynotes
  • counts are by hit per country, i.e. each time an author from a country appears on the list, the counter rises by 1 


  • graphic shows overall participation 2004 - 2017 (no breakdown by year)
  • graphic shows hits by country (no unique author list)
  • graphic 

Future work

  • unique author list
  • look at how country participation changes over the course of the years
  • look at typical multi-country co-authorships








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