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Published October 17, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Study on Digital Marketting

  • 1. Kilakarai
  • 2. II-BBA, Syed Hameedha Arts And Science College, Kilakarai


In this world of digitisation, digital marketing is a vogue that is sweeping across the  whole  world.  The  trend  of  digital  marketing  is  growing  day  by  day  with  the concepts of Internet marketing that is turning into an important platform of digital marketing  along  with  the  electronic  gadgets  like  the  digital  billboards,  mobile, tablets and smart phones, gaming consoles, and many such gadgets that help in digital  marketing.  Flip-kart  with  its  innovative  digital  marketing  has  created  a niche market in online stores competing with the conventional stores showing the power of online marketing. The case study analyses how has brought in an array of digital and online marketing strategies to succeed and make it big in the digital marketing sector. The case also discusses how Flip-kart has had a huge success in the online marketing sector as they brought in new insights into the digital marketing field.



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