Published October 4, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Monitoring innovative development of regions of Ukraine in the context of euro–integration challenges


Ukraine has entered the twenty–first century as a state that is dynamically developing and strives to actively join the social and economic processes of the modern world and integrate into the European community. This direction of development requires the central and local authorities to provide new approaches to the use of socio–economic, innovative, human potentials, a qualitatively new level of efficiency and competitiveness of the economy and the living conditions of the population of the country and regions. Despite a number of consecutive events introduced by state structures and aimed at increasing the efficiency of innovation policy in Ukraine, it is obvious that it remains imperfect. That is why, it is necessary to concentrate efforts on creating conditions for the organization of the functioning of the real market of intellectual property. At the same time, it is equally important to resolve the issue of legislative protection of intellectual property rights. It is necessary to monitor the activities of all structures involved in the country's investment development to develop sound recommendations for improving the coherence of their functioning.



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